Model Based Systems Engineering Support

Case Study





The Challenge:

Developing the UK’s future submarine capability is supported by the use of system modelling activities, i.e. modelling how systems integrate with each other – and system modelling needs to be tested.

Graphical representations of how systems work together is fundamental in capturing the complex interactions and behaviours between the various systems onboard. Synoptix provided our customer with engineering support for their submarine development programme, then their needs evolved. We were asked to take care of design, modelling and integration for their submarine development programme.

The Approach:

We employed a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach, that captured the design and integration of a number of complex systems for the submarine.

Firstly we established a baseline of current modelling activities by speaking with a range of stakeholders – both technical and non-technical. We assessed the existing architectural framework, established processes, then produced a prototype model. This demonstrated the value and added capability that MBSE could provide over traditional document-centric systems. Our aim: to create a fully Integrated Systems Model that would eventually become the single source of truth.

The Benefits:

Our bespoke set of processes, developed in line within an existing architectural framework, helped ensure a consistent modelling approach that could be adopted across the business. This led to an overarching modelling strategy being produced that aligned with the engineering plans. These plans and processes were required to enable model creation and to promote best modelling practices.

By developing this MBSE strategy Synoptix have ensured that future engineering work undertaken by the customer is backed up by robust methodology and process that adhere to systems engineering best practices.

“Synoptix are experts in Implementation and creation of functional/behavioural architecture to enhance modularity in design and greater accuracy of System validation including fully bounded architectural building blocks for ease of re-use and through life management including programme de-risking and cost reduction..”

— Justin Mountjoy, Programmes Director

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